Telehealth, also referred to as "online counseling," reduces the stress and time involved in seeking therapy. Whether you live in an area with few mental health services, struggle to find time for in-person appointments, or have difficulty finding the right therapist, online counseling is a convenient option. You don't need any extra apps or downloads - telemedicine makes it easy to get support.
Online counseling is just like traditional counseling, but instead of going to an office, you connect with your therapist through a secure video platform from wherever you're comfortable – whether it's your home, office, or even on vacation. Couples and groups can be in different locations and still meet for therapy, and busy people can more easily find time to meet without traveling.
One of the best parts about Telehealth is that it connects you with the perfect therapist for you, regardless of where they are. I live in Austin, but I’m able to work with people who live all over the state of Texas.
Booking a Telehealth appointment is simple. After our initial phone consultation, you can easily schedule online through the client portal, and your entire session takes place online through my secure, HIPAA-compliant platform. You just need a device – like a smartphone, laptop, tablet, or computer – with a camera, microphone, and internet connection.
Please reach out if you have any questions or if you would like to schedule a free 15-minute consultation.